
The skew sub-module is a modifier that allows to alter the readout phase of the oscillator sub-modules.

This sub-module only affects the time-domain waveform.


Without this modifier, the time-domain waveform of the targeted oscillator is evaluated with a linearly spaced readout phase. The waveform of the skew sub-module represents this readout phase and initially linearly from the bottom left to the top right. This means that we read the oscillator just as we would, even without the skew modifier. By altering the shape of the waveform, we can read certain parts of the oscillator faster or slower thereby skewing the generated waveform. A y-position that is higher than the corresponding x-position of the waveform means that the oscillator readout position at this point is ahead and vice-versa. This type of skewing will change the harmonics and therefore the timbre of the oscillator's time-domain waveform.

Skew-Multiplier and Skew-Fade

The skew-multiplier allows us to read through the oscillator multiple times. When sweeping the skew-multiplier, fractional repetitions are possible. This means that a previously continuous oscillator can become discontinuous and this generates a lot of possibly unwanted partials. The skew-fade control mitigates this problem by reserving some "space" to read the oscillator backwards from its final skew-mulitplier position to its starting position. The combination of those two controls allows to create typical phase-sync sounds.

The skew-waveform is applied after the skew-multiplier. This means that the oscillator readout position will be modified once according to the skew-waveform across all repetitions that are generated due to the skew-multiplier.

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