Multi-View Dials

Some dials include an additional mode-selector at its bottom left corner. Hovering the letter will show a popup with the full description string for the mode. This selector allows to undertake the following settings:

Mono-Stereo View

The letters "M"(Mono), "L"(Stereo-Left), "R"(Stereo-Right), "S"(Stereo) indicate the current channel-mode of the control (see Signal Flow to learn more about Flexion's internal channel handling).

The letter "M" indicates that the control is in mono mode and that its value will be used for both channels, even if the underlying channel-flow is stereo.

The letters "L", "R" and "M" indicate that the control is on stereo mode, which means that the control has a separate value for each channel. Should the underlying channel-flow be mono, it will be turned into stereo at this point. If "L" or "R" is visible, the control allows editing of the value for the left or the right channel, respectively. If "S" is visible, the control allows editing of the values for the left and the right channel at the same time.

The value for the mono channel is the same as the value for the left channel. Hence, switching between "L" and "M" shows the same value.

Amp-Pan-Width View

The letters "A"(Amplitude), "P"(Panorama) and "W"(Stereo-Width) indicate that the control represents the mixer state of an oscillator.

"A" - Amplitude represents the overall gain for both channels. "P" - Panorama indicates the relative gain mix between the left and the right channel. If turned fully left, only the left channel is audible and vice versa. In the middle position, both channels are equally loud. "W" - Stereo Width allows to adjust the mix between the "mids" and the "sides" of the signal. The "mids" is the part of the signal that is contained in both channels and the "sides" is the part of the signal that differs between both channels. If the control is turned fully left, the "sides" are mixed to mono and added to the "mids". If the control is turned fully right, the "mids" are mixed to stereo and added to the "sides". In the center position the mix is unaffected.

The Panorama and Stereo Width controls have no effect, if the underlying signal flow is mono.

Sounds can quickly be fattened up by turning the pitch-dial to stereo and altering the pitches of the left and right channel by a very small amount. The switch to the "W" view and turn the dial anti-clockwise.

Sync Toggle

The letter "S"(Sync) allows to toggle sync-to-tempo mode for the respective control.

If sync is not enabled, the value of the control shows the tempo in Hertz.

If sync is enabled, the value of the control indicates the tempo relative to one beat of the currently set beats-per-minutes (bpm) of the host. The outer ring represents the numerator and the inner ring represents the denominator of the fractional multiplier that is applied to the bpm. So, for example, if the outer ring reads 2 and the inner ring reads 1, the time is synced to twice the time it takes for one beat of the currently set bpm. If the outer ring reads 1 and the inner ring reads 4, the time is synced to a quarter of the time it takes for one beat.

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